Grow food all year around!
Tower Garden
No green thumb? No problem. Our vertical, aeroponic garden systems allow you to grow your own produce without the learning curve or time commitment of traditional gardening. Grow greens and herbs indoors with Tower Garden HOME, or enjoy a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers with the Tower Garden FLEX. Each model takes up less than 5 square feet.

Compost at home with ease!
Vermicompost Kits
Compost at home with our small vermicompost bins. They fit under your sink, in the pantry or on a shelf. Comes complete with a bin with lid, bedding, worms and instructions on how to start making compost from your own produce scraps.
Red Wigglers
Increase your fruit production with native pollinators!
Mason Bees
Raise Friendly Backyard Bees
Mason bees are the perfect pollinators for spring gardens, farms and orchards because they are gentle, easy to raise, and fun to watch. Their ability to efficiently pollinate the earliest blossoms ensure that your fruit trees and shrubs have the best possible yields!
Mason Bee Kits are now available for pre-order! Includes a cedar house, reeds, clay and 20 cocoons. $110