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The Soil Food Web is made up of complex interconnected and interdependent relationships between plants and microorganisms.  A healthy soil with diverse biology can provide complete fertility for an abundant and productive harvest. A soil food web assessment can give the information needed to increase yields while decreasing inputs!

We specialize in helping you understand who's in your soil!

Our soil food web assessments help compost producers, soil consultants, farmers and gardeners better understand their soil health by providing consistent quality data to make informed decisions.

soil food web how it works
soil food web weed suppression
soil food web nutrient cycling
soil food web inhibiting pests and diseases
soil food web formation of soil structure
soil food web carbon sequestration
soil food web

Soil Food Web Assessment

What Does It Tell You?


  • The bacterial biomass (ug) per gram

  • Fungal biomass (ug) per gram

  • Actinobacteria biomass (ug) per gram

  • F:B Ratio (fungal:bacterial ratio)

  • Total protozoa (per gram)

  • Flagellates (#/gram)

  • Amoebae (#/gram)

  • Beneficial Nematodes (#/gram):

    • Bacterial-feeding 

    • Fungal-feeding 

    • Predatory

  • Detrimental Microorganisms

    • Oomycetes (ug per gram)​

    • Anaerobic Protozoa / Ciliate (#/gram)

    • Root-feeding Nematodes (#/gram)


What Does it Mean?



  • The make up of microorganisms can tell much about soil health conditions. 


  • Healthy soils are characterized by beneficial aerobic microorganisms such as certain bacteria and fungi, flagellates, amoebae, and nematodes.


  • If detrimental microorganisms are identified, it can indicate that the soils are anaerobic, diseases may be present, and plants will not grow well.​


  • Understanding the F:B ratio (fungal to bacterial ratio) will identify what stage of succession that soil will best support.

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